Delaware PC Services, LLC.
20660 Coastal Hwy unit 4
Rehoboth Beach, DE  19971
(302) 226-5424

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Business Hours
 Monday - Friday 10am to 6pm
Saturday 10am to 4ish
Closed - Sunday
(302) 226-5424


Delaware PC Services, LLC Best computer, PC and MAC repairs in Delaware, located at 20660 Coastal Hwy Rehoboth Beach Delaware in the Sea Coast Center, Always FREE Evaluation No Appointment Necessary. Open 6 days a week. Virus and Spyware Removal only $89.99.

Mac OS X 10.6 or above (Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks, and Yosemite).

1. Press Power
2. hold down command-r until you hear the apple sound (enter recovery mode)
3. Once in recovery, go to the menu bar and click utilities and select terminal
4. in the thermal windows type 'resetpassword' (all one work, no quotes)


















* all laptops & computers offered for sale are fully functional and have been thoroughly test. Most come with a 30 day parts and labor warranty which includes hardware failure only, software, after market software, and/or virus infection is not covered under any warranty implied or otherwise. The warranty coverage is solely up to Delaware PC services, LLC. engineering staff if issues are covered by the 30 day warranty. Outside individuals, companies, vendors, and/or technicians' opinions and/or evaluations do not determine warranty coverage. Opening and/or dismantling the system may void any type of warranty coverage implied or otherwise.
** Unknown Battery Life, battery life is determined by, but not limited to, age, care of the battery - charging, and overall us of the system while running on battery power. For example, watching dvd movies while using the battery will diminish the time the battery will last on one charge. While most people will use the system for internet and email access, running programs and available memory will also play a role in battery life as well. So, deterring actual battery life is based on many factor and can not be determined easily.

©2025 Delaware PC Services, LLC. All rights reserved.

 Delaware PC Services, LLC. has no associations with any other company implied or otherwise.