Delaware PC Services, LLC.
20660 Coastal Hwy unit 4
Rehoboth Beach, DE  19971
(302) 226-5424 - Google Map

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Free Same Day Evaluation, we look at your computer right when you walk through the door and give you a repair estimate

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 Monday - Friday 10am to 6pm
Saturday 10am to 4ish
Closed - Sunday
(302) 226-5424


Delaware PC Services, LLC Best computer, PC and MAC repairs in Delaware, located at 20660 Coastal Hwy Rehoboth Beach Delaware in the Sea Coast Center, Always FREE Evaluation No Appointment Necessary. Open 6 days a week. Virus and Spyware Removal only $89.99.

Gaming System Repair /Building


We always offer free initial evaluation, which means we look at your system with you when you walk through the door in the hope that maybe your issue will be just an easy fix. Most of the time we can narrow down the issues from the initial evaluation. That is why we can give you a price to fix what is not functioning. We see a lot of self-built and pre-built systems that do not function, if we can not see a simple or obvious fix, we will have to put the system through testing, which is a nominal fee of $250. What this includes is:

1.  Fully disassembling the system
   Testing all the components for design functionality.
Check the way it was assembled, wiring, component placement, parts damage, etc.
    Check for bent pins on CPU, motherboard, and other components
    Reassembling the system and wire routing / Cable Management
    Loading or fixing operating system and drivers
     Functional testing of a fully loaded system. (burn-in test)

The $250 is a ‘token’ and does not cover the amount of time and labor that goes into assembling, testing, reassembling, and fix/loading the operating system on your computer. We are always fair with what we charge for labor, if you paid for testing and we found a quick fix for your system (not requiring the full diagnostic testing) we will apply a portion of the labor charge to part or parts that it might need. The labor charge is all that you pay in labor, if you need replacement parts, you can purchase them or we can, if we buy the part – then you only pay for the part, no extra labor. You always have the option of getting the replacement parts yourself and we will just install them and the drives under the same $250 that you already have paid.
     We try to make it simple and easy to get your system back up and running in the shortest time possible. Keep in mind that building customer systems is time consuming and may take up to a couple of days to complete.

I have the parts and want someone to build the system for me…

We will gladly build your system with your parts, which usually the same $250 to build and load the OS. We also, before putting the system together, make sure that all your parts will work together. We have been seeing more and more people buying re-manufactured or used parts for their system and they don’t always work, that is where the testing come in to make sure that system works as designed.

The best way to build your own system…

Go to, which will let you pick parts, see compatibility, show you pricing and where you can purchase the parts. You can try to put it together or just give us your parts and we will assemble it for you. Most people don’t have a realistic idea of what a gaming system will cost, will give you a better idea of what you are looking at for overall cost.


* issues with your operating system, currently installed antivirus, hardware issues, and other PC repairs are not included in price and may be additional.

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 Delaware PC Services, LLC. has no associations with any other company implied or otherwise.